Thursday 13: Life Snapshot

For lack of other inspiration, this belated Thursday 13 is a current snapshot of life. Enjoy!
1. Recent photos:

Me, Marm and Photo Ninja Van. Hi-larious.
Birthday girl! Note the theme of 22. She got 22 rolls of toilet paper, 22 zip locks, 22 pieces of candy, 22 lotto scratchers, gift cards in increments of 22. Marm and I were very pleased with ourselves.

At Emily’s 22nd birthday. Silly girl scheduled brunch at 9:30 the morning after a raucous celebration. Someone wasn’t feeling very gooooooood.

2. Current project: Observing interaction between passengers and employees at airports. Fascinating stuff my friends. If anyone wants to volunteer to be interviewed, HOLLER! (I’m completely serious and looking for interviewees. The only requirement is that you’ve flown within the last couple years or work at an airport.)

3. Current stresses: School, school, school. It’s mid-semester and I’m staring down the barrel of paper after paper after paper. They all get done, right? The good news? I’ve found a way to read and highlight articles at the gym. At least my cardio won’t suffer.

4. Something small: I’m giving will power a try this week. The other day while buying lunch at the café near my office, I did *not* buy the jalapeno kettle chips, even though I really, really, really wanted them. As it’s been oh, five days since I had anything fried, I’m going to see if I can abstain* from delicacies that have been dipped in breading and tossed in boiling oil. I’ll keep you posted**.

5. Something huge: Brenda’s band, North Highlands, was mentioned in the New Yorker. It feels like they’re at the boiling point and will soon tip into major stardom. I hope so anyway! (For all of the successful indie record producers who follow the blog, you can find North Highlands here)

6. Something miraculous: It’s finally feeling like Fall in Cactus Land. Despite the fact that I’m talking 88 degrees, I’ll take it. There’s something about walking around outside without heat searing your lungs that just does a body good.

7. Small worldness: I inadvertently met (and became Facebook friends with) the college roommate of the husband of one of my husband’s best friend from high school. Yes, that is an intentionally confusing sentence. Stay tuned for a new blog on Single Serving Friends and Second Helpings.

8. Revisiting writings: I’ve discovered the “stats” tab on the blog, and someone recently clicked this post: Ruminations on Religion. I re-read it the other day and in light of some recent new stories (umm, yoga is not of the devil people), decided it needed another posting. There you go.

9. Sneaky students: The other day one of my students (Hi Bruce!) comes up to me after class and says, “So, the Blue Muse, huh?” I laughed and admitted, “You found me.” It always amuses me when I’m “found” by students either via the blog or Facebook. Surprise! I make status updates, too.

10. On the docket: Cinnamon rolls courtesy of The Pioneer Woman. Mr. T has recently accused me of overly-highlighting food, but I will not be tamed, dammit.

11. Latest obsession: Vanilla yogurt with walnut pieces. Ever since our Hopscotch Honeymoon B&B adventures, I’ve been sucking down vanilla yogurt with chopped walnuts. Vanilla yogurt, where have you been all my life? On the shelf with icky flan*** and slurpy custard apparently. How amazing to pick up a small and (for once) healthy pleasure.

12. Latest discovery: The Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. I know, where have I been as the world has celebrated this tasty beverage. Still sipping vanilla lattes, that’s where. No longer! I’m a PSL convert I’m telling you. Subtle and delightfully Fall without the overbearing/cloying sweetness of other drinks like the Toffee Nut Latte. Mmm.

13. On the horizon: CHRISTMAS!

Okay, the biggest disappoint of my first year in Phoenix: Never seeing a Christmas Cactus. At least I know they actually exist now! I may have to plant a saguaro in Sacramento just to put lights on it. 😉

Even though I’m a lot excited about decorations and presents and Christmas Cacti (thank you Eric!), I’m  THRILLED at the prospect of a solid month at home with T. Oh and I will also be overjoyed for a break from that school thing.

What are you excited about?


* Already I have an exception. Agent F and I are due for cider and cheese sticks next week. I think Casey Moore’s gets a pass on the fried food moratorium. Besides, I always order a side salad there and it totally cancels the melty cheese, yes?

** Mmk. I wrote this post on the plane last night and upon arriving in Sacramento, what do I find? A PIZZA on the passenger seat. And not just any pizza, Crack Pizza from Chicago Fire. As I lamented the newly minted will power goal, T reminded me that pizza isn’t fried. It’s baked. Health food, right??

*** Flan and custard are kissing cousins to quiche in my estimation. Smooshy, textureless ick factories as far as I’m concerned. It’s wonderful to discover that vanilla yogurt is  nothing like that after almost three decades on the planet.

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